Sunday, 3 July 2011

List of lost words: A-E

acrasial adj 1851 -1851
ill-regulated; ill-tempered
The acrasial judge was known for her rants against younger lawyers.
addecimate v 1612 -1755
to tithe
They addecimated regularly but were not otherwise known for their charity.
adimpleate v 1657 -1657
to fill up
The new technique adimpleates the cans with milk through injection.
adnascentia npl 1706 -1731
root-like branches that sprout into the earth from a plant's stem
Every winter, the adnascentia would shift around, destroying the lawn's even texture.
aeipathy n 1847 -1853
continued passion; an unyielding disease
Her aeipathy for stamp collecting bordered at times on the pathological.
affictitious adj 1656 -1656
feigned; counterfeit
The forger was caught despite his masterfully-crafted affictitious signatures.
affuage n 1753 -1847
right to cut wood in a forest for family fire
The family's right of affuage ensured they would have enough wood for winter.
agonarch n 1656 -1656
judge of a contest or activity
Our competition will require six agonarchs to ensure fairness.
agonyclite n 1710 -1710
member of a heretical sect that stood rather than kneeled while praying
Agonyclites must have had hardy feet to endure their services.
airgonaut n 1784 -1784
one who journeys through the air
Balloonists, skydivers and other airgonauts are all a little mad, if you ask me.
alabandical adj 1656 -1775
barbarous; stupefied from drink
His behaviour after the party was positively alabandical.
albedineity n 1652 -1652
The monotonous albedineity of the snow-covered field was blinding.
alogotrophy n 1753 -1853
excessive nutrition of part of body resulting in deformity
Was he born with that huge head, or is it the result of alogotrophy?
amandation n 1656 -1755
act of sending away or dismissing
His rude amandation of his guests earned him a reputation for curtness.
amarulence n 1731 -1755
bitterness; spite
After losing her job to a less qualified man, she was full of amarulence.
amorevolous adj 1670 -1670
affectionate; loving
Our father, though amorevolous, could be a strict taskmaster at times.
antipelargy n 1656 -1731
reciprocal or mutual kindness; love and care of children for their parents
Having never received any antipelargy, they wrote their daughter out of the will.
apanthropinization n 1880 -1880
withdrawal from human concerns or the human world
His life as a hermit in the woods was characterized by apanthropinization.
aporrhoea n 1646 -1880
a bodily emanation; an effluvium
The evening's revelries were followed by an unfortunate episode of aporrhoea.
aquabib n 1731 -1883
I was never much of an aquabib, and always preferred harder libations.
archigrapher n 1656 -1656
principal or head secretary or clerk
The archigrapher efficiently designated transcription duties to her underlings.
archiloquy n 1656- 1656
first part of a speech
We stopped paying attention during his talk due to his monotonous archiloquy.
aretaloger n 1623 -1656
braggart; one who boasts about his own accomplishments
While he seemed nice at first, he turned out to be a loudmouthed aretaloger.
artigrapher n 1753 -1753
writer or composer of a grammar; a grammarian
Today's prescriptivists are no better than the artigraphers of the Renaissance.
ascoliasm n 1706 -1753
boys' game of beating each other with gloves or leather while hopping
If you think bullies are bad today, look at brutal games of the past like ascoliasm.
assectation n 1656 -1656
act of following after something else
She stood in the on-deck circle, her assectation virtually guaranteed.
austerulous adj 1731 -1731
somewhat or slightly harsh
The austerulous monks were rarely lenient with their pupils.
autexousious adj 1678 -1678
exercising or possessing free will
If we are truly autexousious, then why do we so often feel powerless?
auturgy n 1651 -1656
self-action; independent activity
The film director's legendary auturgy frustrated editors and producers alike.
avunculize v 1662 -1662
to act as an uncle; to behave like an uncle
I often avunculize to my younger friends, which no doubt annoys them.
bajulate v 1613 -1662
to bear a heavy burden
Their Sherpa aides were vexed by the demand that they bajulate as well as guide.
bimarian adj 1731 -1731
pertaining to two seas
Some think that America needs to improve its bimarian naval defenses.
binoternary adj 1817 -1817
combining binary and trinary aspects
The dots on the '6' face of a die are arranged in a binoternary fashion.
blateration n 1656 -1864
chatter; babbling
I've had just about enough of your garrulous blateration, you clod!
bonifate adj 1656 -1656
lucky; fortunate
The gambler was too bonifate, and attracted the casino manager's attention.
boreism n 1833 -1839
behaviour of a boring person
The professor, while brilliant, was afflicted by boreism when lecturing.
boscaresque adj 1734 -1734
picturesque; scenically wooded
Despite northern England's industrial pollution, parts of it remain boscaresque.
brabeum n 1675 -1675
reward or prize
Without some brabeum, the students will have no incentive to work harder.
brephophagist n 1731 -1875
one who eats babies
The character Fat Bastard is a disgustingly obese Scottish brephophagist.
brochity n 1623 -1678
projecting or crooked quality of teeth
His parents later regretted that they did not correct his brochity in his youth.
bromography n 1860 -1860
a treatise on food
It's not enough to write a bromography - today's celebrity chefs need to be on TV!
bubulcitate v 1623 -1678
to act as a cowherd; to cry like a cowherd
When their cat went missing, they were on the street bubulcitating for weeks.
buccellation n 1657 -1731
act of dividing into small morsels
The buccellation and apportionment of their rations was the subject of heated argument.
bumposopher n 1834 -1886
one learned in bumps; a phrenologist
Craniology has progressed greatly since the days of bumposophers.
cacatory adj 1684 -1753
accompanied by loose bowels
For the diners, the effects of the chicken cacciatore, alas, were cacatory.
cacozealous adj 1656 -1696
imitating badly; poorly affected
Her cacozealous attempt at mimicking her boss bordered on being offensive.
cagastric adj 1662 -1753
of diseases, originating under an ill star
We no longer believe in cagastric causes for illness and deformity.
cameranious adj 1791 -1791
of or relating to a chamber
The social gathering benefited from the cozy, cameranious setting.
canitude n 1656 -1742
greyness; hoariness; whiteness
The first snowfall of the year gave the field a pleasant canitude.
caprizant adj 1730 -1736
of the pulse, uneven or irregular
While he hadn't had a full-blown heart attack, his pulse was very caprizant.
casitive adj 1652 -1652
having grammatical cases
The casitive nature of Finnish and Hungarian makes them difficult to learn.
castaldy n 1623 -1800
His castaldy over the manor was dependent on his good relations with the lord's sons.
cecograph n 1851 -1874
writing device for the blind
The development of computers has made the cecograph entirely obsolete.
celeberrimous adj 1768 -1768
very or most highly celebrated
Her celeberrimous accomplishments were lauded by her colleagues.
celeripedean adj 1623 -1656
The most celeripedean of the Greek deities was Hermes.
cestuan adj 1711 -1711
of or pertaining to a boxer's gloves or cesti
No cestuan improvements can negate the damage of such blows to the head.
chermadic adj 1842 -1842
of a heavy weight used as a projectile
Wile E. Coyote continues to be crushed by his own chermadic snares.
chronanagram n 1613 -1882
an anagram of a chronogram
Jacobites used chronanagrams to cryptically express support for their cause.
cibosity n 1656 -1656
store of food; plenty of food supplies
The cibosities of those paranoid about Y2K are still rotting in their cellars.
circuland n 1821 -1821
that which is to be circulated
Here we have the circuland, as opposed to our internal earnings report.
circumbilivagination n 1611 -1693
going around in a circular motion; circumambulation
She saw many quaint seaside towns in her circumbilivagination of England.
citharize v 1623 -1692
to play the harp
If you plan to citharize, prepare to build up calluses on your fingers.
cloakatively adv 1674 -1674
These reforms have only cloakatively made the situation better for the poor.
coherentific adj 1834 -1834
causing to become coherent; causing cohesion
Her speech was the coherentific factor behind the jury's consensus verdict.
colaphize v 1450 -1656
to beat or buffet
His lawyer claimed that police had colaphized him, which confused the judge.
commendaces npl 1611 -1658
funeral orations; prayers for the dead
At his funeral, his brother delivered a set of exquisite commendaces.
coquinate v 1656 -1658
to behave as a cook
Martha may seem to be able to coquinate, but her actions are highly scripted.
cosmogyral adj 1808 -1808
whirling round the universe
The great cosmogyral peregrinations of galaxies follow simple physical laws.
crassulent adj 1656 -1656
very fat; grossly obese
While some point to Brando's crassulent state, others focus on his acting.
crebrity n 1656 -1740
frequency; period between two occurrences
Old Faithful is a natural clock, and its invariant crebrity continues to amaze.
crocitation n 1623 -1656
croaking; cawing
The crocitation of the gulls meant that I got no sleep last night.
cynicocratical adj 1881 -1881
pertaining to rule by cynics
When people mistrust government, our leaders become cynicocratical.
deartuate v 1623 -1653
to dismember
He cunningly hoped that if he deartuated the body, he could hide it in the hole.
decutient adj 1656 -1656
shaking down; beating down
Their decutient technique for getting apples from trees annoyed the farmer.
defedate v 1669 -1669
to defile; to pollute
The toxic chemicals continue to defedate our town's water supply.
desarcinate v 1656 -1736
to unload; to unburden
She haughtily ordered her butler to desarcinate her baggage from the car.
devalgate adj 1851 -1883
The devalgate cowboy watched his old smell-hound crawl between his legs.
dicaearchy n 1656 -1658
just government
While we dream of living in a dicaearchy, in truth, we're governed by dicks.
diffibulate v 1656 -1656
to unbutton; to unbuckle
He found it difficult to diffibulate her blouse using only one hand.
dignorate v 1623 -1656
to mark or brand an animal
He was glad he had dignorated his horse, or else he couldn't have claimed it.
diloricate v 1623 -1656
to rip open a sewn piece of clothing
She deloricated his silk shirts so she could use them as dishrags.
dipsopathy n 1883 -1883
medical treatment involving abstinence from liquids
The new antibiotics he was taking required him to practice strict dipsopathy.
diribitory n 1656 -1656
place where pay is distributed to soldiers
Directly deposited salaries for soldiers obviate the need for diribitories.
divinipotent adj 1656 -1727
having strong divinatory powers
While the TV psychic claims to be divinipotent, he's clearly a charlatan.
dodrantal adj 1656 -1883
of nine inches in length
The male stripper's dodrantal instrument impressed the ladies greatly.
drollic adj 1743 -1743
of or pertaining to puppet shows
Computer graphics are rapidly replacing the drollic puppet-shows of years ago.
dromograph n 1883 -1885
instrument for measuring velocity of blood flow
The dromograph readings from his elderly patient alarmed the doctor.
ducenarious adj 1656 -1656
pertaining to two hundred
The ducenarious diversion of the bicentennial brought the countrymen together.
ebaptization n 1659 -1659
declaring that someone has not been properly baptized
They feared the priest's heterodoxy would lead to charges of ebaptization.
ecstasiate v 1823 -1957
to go into an ecstasy; to cause to become ecstatic
The arrival of the boy-band ecstasiated the pre-teen throng.
ectylotic adj 1736 -1864
removing warts or calluses
Use this ectylotic bandage on your finger and you'll be cured in a week or two.
egrote v 1721 -1775
to feign an illness
He was a master of egroting in order to find more time to study for tests.
eicastic adj 1669 -1669
The comedian's wit is limited to his considerable eicastic abilities.
ejurate v 1622 -1800
to renounce; to abjure
I ejurate this entire organization and its principles, which I now see to be corrupt.
embaphium n 1715 -1884
small vessel for measuring or serving medicine
She employed an embaphium to ensure the correct dose was given.
embolimaeal adj 1677 -1796
intercalary; inserted into the calendar
The addition of embolimaeal days caused calendrical confusion in the past.
epalpebrate adj 1884 -1884
lacking eyebrows
If you don't stop plucking, soon you'll be epalpabrate!
ephydriad n 1823 -1823
The synchronized swimmers were like ephydriads, full of natural grace.
essomenic adj 1771 -1771
showing things as they will be in the future
The essomenic properties of crystal balls are very much in dispute.
eternitarian n 1746 -1746
one who believes in the eternity of the soul
Though she held to no particular faith, she remained a hopeful eternitarian.
eveniency n 1656 -1656
coming to pass
His mother thought that the eveniency of her son's marriage was inevitable.
excutient adj 1730 -1775
shaking off
The excutient dog showered the topless sunbathers, causing them to rise in alarm.
exipotic adj 1823 -1884
purgative; cleansing the body of illness
While the medicine was exipotic to his body, it made a mess of his bathroom.
exlineal adj 1716 -1716
out of the direct line of descent
Her cousins and all the other exlineal relations were cut out of the will.

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