Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Pavel Jozef Šafárik

Pavel Jozef Šafárik was a Slovak philologist, poet, one of the first scientific Slavists; literary historian, historian and ethnographer. He researched the topic of Cyrillic languages and their origins in deep and based most of his works on Slavic linguistics.



Scientific works:

  • Promluvení k Slovanům [literally: An address to the Slavs] in: Prvotiny pěkných umění (1817, ?) - inspired by Herder and other national literatures, he calls the Slovaks, Moravians and Bohemians to collect folk songs
  • Počátkové českého básnictví, obzvláště prozodie (1818, Pressburg), together with František Palacký [literally:Basics of Czech poetry, in particular of the prosody] - deals with technical issues of poetry writing
  • Novi Graeci non uniti ritus gymnasii neoplate auspicia feliciter capta. Adnexa est oratio Pauli Josephi Schaffarik (1819, Novi Sad)
  • Písně světské lidu slovenského v Uhřích. Sebrané a vydané od P. J. Šafárika, Jána Blahoslava a jiných. 1-2 (Pest 1823-1827) /Národnie zpiewanky- Pisne swetské Slowáků v Uhrách Jan Kollár [literally: Profane songs of the Slovak people in the Kingdom of Hungary. Collected and issued by P. J. Šafárik, Ján Blahoslav and others. 1-2 / Folk songs - Profane songs of the Slovaks in the Kingdom of Hungary] - (1834–1835, Buda), together with
  • Geschichte der slawischen Sprache und Literatur nach allen Mundarten (1826, Pest), [literally:History of the Slavic language and literature by all vernaculars] - a huge encyclopedia-style book, the first attempt to give anything like a systematic account of the Slavonic languages as a whole.
  • Über die Abkunft der Slawen nach Lorenz Surowiecki (1828, Buda) [literally: On the origin of the Slavs according to Lorenz Surowiecki] - aimed to be a reaction the Surowiecki's text, the text developed into a book on the homeland of the Slavs
  • Serbische Lesekörner oder historisch-kritische Beleuchtung der serbischen Mundart (1833, Pest) [literally: Serbian anthology or historical and critical elucidation of the Serbian vernacular] - explanation of the character and development of the Serbian language
  • Slovanské starožitnosti(1837 + 1865, Prague) [Slavonic Antiquities], his main work, the first bigger book on the culture and history of the Slavs, a second edition (1863) was edited by Josef Jireček (see Family), a continuation was published only after Šafáriks death in Prague in 1865; a Russian, German and Polish translation followed immediately; the main book describes the origin, settlements, localisation and historic events of the Slavs on the basis of an extensive collection of material; inspired by Herder's opinions, he refused to consider the Slavs as Slaves and barbarian as was frequent at that time especially in German literature; the book substantially influenced the view of the Slavs
  • Monumenta Illyrica (1839, Prague) - monuments of old Southern Slavic literature
  • Die ältesten Denkmäler der böhmischen Sprache... (1840, Prague) [literally: The oldest monuments of Czech language . . . ], together with František Palacký
  • Slovanský národopis (1842- 2 editions, Prague) [literally: Slavic ethnology], his second most important work, he sought to give a complete account of Slavonic ethnology; contains basic data on individual Slavic nations, settlements, languages, ethnic borders, and a map, on which the Slavs are formally considered one nation divided into Slavic national units
  • Počátkové staročeské mluvnice in: Výbor (1845) [literally: Basics of Old Czech grammar]
  • Juridisch - politische Terminologie der slawischen Sprachen Oesterreich (Vienna, 1850) [Legal and political terminology of the Slavic languages in Austria], a dictionary written together with Karel Jaromir Erben, Šafárik and Erben became - by order of Alexander Bach members of a committee for Slavic legal terminology in Austria
  • Památky dřevního pisemnictví Jihoslovanů (1851, Prague) [literally: Monuments of old literature of the Southern Slavs] - contains important Old Church Slavonic texts
  • Památky hlaholského pisemnictví (1853, Prague) [literally: Monuments of the Glagolitic literature]
  • Glagolitische Fragmente (1857, Prague), together with Höfler [literally: Glagolitic fragments]
  • Über den Ursprung und die Heimat des Glagolitismus (1858, Prague) [literally: On the origin and the homeland of the Glagolitic script] - here he accepted the view that the Glagolitic alphabet is older than the Cyrillic one
  • Geschichte der südslawischen Litteratur1-3 (1864–65, Prague) [literally: History of Southern Slavic literature], edited by Jireček


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